Increased MySQL queries

Host dynamic MySQL tables without difficulty

In case that your shared website hosting account can no longer manage the CPU and MySQL load of your web site, relocating to a semi-dedicated server could be the most suitable choice for you. You’ll get much greater CPU utilization and MySQL queries allocations for your web sites to employ.

Furthermore, with extra MySQL queries at hand, you might have far more users working with your applications or database-driven web sites at the same time.

Increased MySQL queries

USA Data Center

A top-of-the-line USA data center

All semi-dedicated servers are accommodated in our state-of-the-art US based datacenter based in Chicago, Illinois. It was amongst the few US facilities that made it possible for us to deploy our unique internal network and also the only one that could supply the hardware we wanted promptly. It has a superb service team, which is available 24 hours.

Another great advantage of HD Web Hosting’s US based datacenter is that it features superb network connectivity with the rest of the world. As a consequence of that, all US semi-dedicated servers are going to take advantage of high site loading rates.

USA Data Center

Increased CPU quotas

Considerably more power for your web apps and sites

A semi-dedicated server has been designed to offer you far more assets when compared to a shared hosting plan, yet in exactly the same easy to use package with no server administration involved. Also, since on a semi-dedicated server you’ll find far less users than on a typical web hosting server, this suggests not just considerably more resources for your websites but additionally greater stability for your online presence.

HD Web Hosting’s semi-dedicated servers include amplified CPU consumption allocations, leading them to be an excellent choice for your resource-intensive sites and apps.

Increased CPU quotas

Web Site Control Panel

All the important site controls that you demand in one place

Manage all of your sites with just a click of your mouse utilizing our custom–configured easy–to–use Web App Installer. It offers a drag’n’drop File Manager, an all–inclusive Domain Names Manager for all your domains (you can edit your WHOIS data and name servers, lock/unlock and mask all of your domains, enable custom DNS records, and much more), a fast E Mail Manager (you can forward your email messages, turn on antispam defense and SPF protection, set up auto–responders and mail filtration, and much more), a Databases Manager for managing a number of MySQL/PgSQL databases, a detailed statistics interface and a number of cutting–edge tools.

Web Site Control Panel

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Safety–increased Linux–oriented servers

HD Web Hosting’s servers use a security–increased Linux version, which makes them very protected and dependable. We have used up a plenty of time and efforts in setting up a secure system that has the potential to go through huge hack or denial–of–service intrusions without forced disturbances to the web hosting system and threatening your site’s effectiveness.

Enhanced Service Stability and Security