Optional Admin Services

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • Keeping constant track of your dedicated server can be a challenging and time–swallowing process. It takes time, which you’d better invest in other things, such as making your site much better. If you take advantage of our Optional Admin Services offer, we will be keeping tabs on your server. We have built a special monitoring and notification tool, which will warn our admins automatically as soon as anything goes wrong with your server. They will then look into the nature of the issue.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Backup Space

  • In case you are working with business–critical data, it’s crucial to keep a backup of everything, and even more so when it’s your business data. That is why we provide you with a 50 GB off–server backup storage space with our Optional Admin Services package. You’ll be able to save all the crucial data on a special backup server with RAID disk drives that is part of the very same network. This will make the backup procedure faster than the speed of light. And our experienced sysadmins will help you set up an automatic system that will back up everything without you needing to lift a finger.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • If there is a particular service or software that you’d like to install on your server, but you don’t know how to do it, or you run into neverending problems setting up everything yourself, our company offers you a solution. Our Optional Admin Services package covers installation and troubleshooting tasks, which implies that you will have the full and undivided attention of our sysadmins for thirty minutes – more than enough time for them to solve the issue at hand and make things right. And you could also use that time to ask them to help you with any other server–related problems you are encountering.

Available with all of our Dedicated Servers